Ryan contacted me in the early months of this year with his plan to make the long trip to Yellowstone National Park and propose marriage to Payton, the love of his life. When planning a day in Yellowstone in the first week of October, you never know what sort of weather you may get. At about 8000 feet above sea level, you may have 65 and sunny or, 15 degrees and snow. It’s a roll of the dice. As this date was coming up on the calendar I watched as the temperatures were dropping and precipitation was on it’s way sooner rather than later. Fortunately, the weather held!
I headed out before sunrise to get to our meeting place that looks directly into the face of Yellowstone falls. Everything went like clock work, the surprise was a great success and then we took a drive to several other of my favorite locations for photos.
Congratulation to this wonderful couple!
Enjoy the view!

Happy, happy, happy!