I found myself hiking in to my favorite studio along the banks of the Yellowstone river with a foreboding storm front moving quickly in from the south. I had made firm plans with Mitchell for his surprise proposal and now… I’m thinking we’re going to get drenched a half mile from the highway!
Fortunately, the storm stayed a little ways south of the planned location. Soon I noticed the couple approaching the river quite a ways down stream. Fortunately he caught a glimpse of me on the shore and made his course correction quickly.
Mitchell and Madison approached and I made friendly conversation about the storm, the weather and the birds I was photographing! Then went on about my business as they approached the shoreline. And then the lightening and thunder commenced as Mitchell knelt before his companion and asked her to marry him! OMG! It was Shock and Awe! Lot’s of laughs, hugs and kisses.
After that we hustled around, made more photos and took a quick path to our cars. Then up we went into the mountains to enjoy the valley view and a little shower.
Congratulations to Madison and Mitchell. Enjoy the view!

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