Yesterday was a dramatic day in Yellowstone National Park. As I entered from the north and as I ascended in altitude I could see the dark cloud bank building in the west. A raincoat and umbrella were included in my gear bag today along with multiple cameras. Off the road and down the hillside I walked and hovered in an area beside the massive Yellowstone River. Clouds gathered and soon lightening was dancing above my head in the dark clouds. Then the rain came, the lightening struck across the river from me and it was close enough that I ran up the hill and took cover in my car! As soon as the weather lightened up a bit, I hiked back down to my position and hoped that my client was not put off by the weather. Then, as planned Nishaad and Alexa came walking down the hill toward the general vicinity. Occupying myself with photographing the sky, and whatever else I could find, I tried to look like any other YNP photog! Then Nishaad made his move.
After the surprise, the tears of joy and happy hearts… we planned our next location and took to the very busy road only to be stopped dead in our tracks by a buffalo traffic jam. A herd of Bison decided to mover across the road and we were stuck for 20 minutes and things were not moving. This made it impossible to reach the Yellowstone Lake before sunset as planned.
So we turned back and opted to shoot briefly along side the road and made plans to continue our shoot on another day in the scenic Paradise Valley.
This story will be continued in about a week. Cheers to my newly engaged friends!

So, I packed up my gear and made plans with these two beautiful souls to meet with them in another place for more engagement photo fun.
The drive home toward the north was covered with a sky that was threatening a STORM. Then the visual drama kept building and I just had to stop and watch and photograph this supernatural looking display! Wow.. this one is going on a wall somewhere!

Thank you Larry for beautiful photos of Nishaad and Alexa. They really made us feel like we were part of the surprise !!
You captured the best expression on Nishaad’s face while proposing, And their happiness after.
Nishaad’s mom
Beautiful photos of beutiful couple
Both looking glowing
Nishad and Allexa begining new chapter in their life. Heartiest congratulations. Enjoy togetherness, Love and be loved
World will be your oyster ,
Have a great fun. Larry has captured the moment beautifully
Sudhir and Vijaya
Awesome! Congratulations to the happy couple!