Every year at this time I team up with Big Sky Yoga Retreats to do something really special for breast cancer survivors. It was such a pleasure to photograph with these 8 amazing and lovely women! Many thanks to the Double T River Ranch, Kate Huston, Tara, Henry and Mollie and their wonderful horses. Gratitude, most especially to my dear friends Margaret and David Vap who have created and conceived of this gift retreat. And, to Jessica Lechner who shared her voice and the music of her soul with all of us.
It was quite the party! Lot’s love, joy, tears, and ….. dancing!
As I photographed with these souls, I witnessed the strength and authenticity that these cancer survivors own. They own it. They have been down a dark road of facing their own mortality and emerged with a new lease, knowing that the life that we have does not last forever, it is temporal. It was such a heart opening experience. My prayers are for their continued good health and most importantly JOY, JOY, JOY in every day we have!
Oh… yes… a special note of thanks to these remarkable horse spirits that show such loving kindness. I witnessed the love and compassion that horses have within them for these women. See for yourself in the images that follow.
Wonderful pictures beautifully done. Blessings to these dear ladies and the patient horses.