Phil and Sarah Tarrytown ceremony

Count down to blast off. Leaving for JFK in just a few minutes to return to the wide open spaces of Montana. NYC has been amazing and time spent with my family here was delightful.

Thanks to Frank and Theo Stanley for hosting us in Brooklyn and to Ani Kunga and Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen for their hospitality in Walden New York. And especially to His Holiness Sakya Trizen for allowing me to photograph with him during his retreat. Photos of all this will be coming soon, but for now here are a few special images for Sarah and Phil. Sarah you are so lovely!

zoooooommmmm….. 34000 feet here we come.




About the Author: Larry

With over 25 years of diverse professional photographic experience Larry brings depth and insight to his work. His style is described as a unique mix of wedding photojournalism and scenic portraiture, capturing "beauty... as it occurs naturally". Larry attended the Art Center School of Design in Pasadena, California and is an International Award winning member of the prestigious Wedding Photojournalist Association and an active member of FEARLESS PHOTOGRAPHERS.

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